Refund Policy

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to the need for rescheduling or canceling a booked appointment for availing our services. While we do not encourage frequent changes, we acknowledge that certain situations may warrant such actions. Therefore, we have established a comprehensive refund and cancellation policy to address these scenarios.

Rescheduling and Cancellation:

In the event that you need to reschedule or cancel a booked appointment, we kindly request that you submit a request at least 72 hours before the scheduled commencement of the relevant consultation session. This advance notice allows us to effectively manage the appointment schedule and accommodate your request.

Refund Process:

Refund requests will be considered based on the genuineness of the situation and our ability to track and cancel the appointment with the Medical Practitioner. Refunds are not guaranteed and will be processed on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to evaluate the circumstances surrounding the request before determining eligibility for a refund.

Refund Eligibility:

You are eligible to make refund requests only for situations that fall within the scope of an unavoidable and genuine emergency, preventing you from attending the scheduled consultation. Refund eligibility is not extended to delays, the nature of advice obtained, efficacy of treatment prescribed, or health outcomes resulting from the services provided.

Delays and Health Outcomes:

Please note that refund requests related to delays, the nature of advice obtained, efficacy of treatment prescribed, or health outcomes pursuant to availing our services will not be entertained. We strive to provide timely and professional assistance, but certain factors such as individual response to treatment are beyond our control.

Submitting a Refund Request:

To initiate a refund request, please contact our customer support team with detailed information about the circumstances leading to the request. We will carefully review the provided information and respond to you in a timely manner regarding the eligibility and processing of your refund.

Policy Modifications:

We reserve the right to modify or update this refund and cancellation policy at our discretion. Any changes made will be communicated to you in advance through the appropriate channels.

By availing our services, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this refund and cancellation policy. Your understanding and cooperation in following these guidelines help us maintain the quality and efficiency of our services.

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